I needed this book by Katherine Center after a month of heavy reading. This is total chick lit, a genre I don't indulge in terribly much. But sometimes it's exactly what is needed, and Center is really an excellent writer. Her dialogue is great, and she has lots of funny scenes and great characters.
So the story goes that Jenny's fiancé leaves her the day before she gives birth to their baby. The reader can't help but be glad; obviously, he was a loser and Jenny is extremely likable. She spends the next several months in the oblivion of postpartum and post-relationship. She finds a mommy group and meets a man. It all sounds like a trite story, but Center really does tell it quite well. She does a great job especially of detailing what it's like to be in that weird world of newborn baby bliss/torture.
I liked this book. Like I said, this is chick lit—perfect for an in-between, relaxing kind of read.
Other reviews of The Bright Side of Disaster:
Book Addiction
Lit and Life
Maw Books
So glad you liked The Bright Side of Disaster! I have a new book coming out in April called Get Lucky, which Library Journal just called "another thoroughly enjoyable girlish romp." Let me know if you get a chance to check it out!!
Katherine Center
I understand the urge to read the book when you've been reading classics and literature for awhile.
Thanks for the suggestion.
So glad you enjoyed this book - Center does this genre really, really well (I like her liberal use of humor!). Thanks for the link love :)
Sounds good! I like light reading. :-)
I also like to pick up the occasional chicklit when I need a break from my other reading. This sounds like a fun book, maybe I'll give it a try on my next "break."
Thanks for the review. I think I'll add this one to my TBR list.
It is very nice to meet you!
Interesting. Off to check out other reviews--first time here :)
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