My rating: 1 of 5 stars
First, this is most assuredly not "in the vein of The Boy in the Striped Pajamas and Number the Stars." It's more in the vein of the Magic Tree House book but with less "real" information and much worse dialogue. I like books about dolls coming to life—The Christmas Doll, The Dolls' House, Hitty: Her First Hundred Years, for example. I can appreciate fairy tales as a way to present the Holocaust-- Jane Yolen's Briar Rose is superb. But I left this novel thinking, "Huh?" I don't really like to leave bad reviews, especially for debut authors; however, I think this novel sugarcoats (readers of the novel will get that pun) the terrible tragedy of the Holocaust. I'd hate to think about a generation of middle readers growing up reading this instead of The Dairy of a Young Girl, Number the Stars, The Endless Steppe, or Snow Treasure, for example. Not recommended at all.
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