March was a month of extraordinarily enjoyable books. If
every month were like this one for reading, I would never get anything done.
Ever. And yet… I only hope that April brings as many fantastic reads.

The Story: Although she’s in her late 20s, Louisa takes her
very ordinary life day-by-day. She really has no goals or plans for the future.
She’s happy with the status quo, which includes living with her parents, her
sister, and her baby nephew; continuing her long-term, comfortable though dull
relationship with Patrick; and working at the coffee shop. And then the coffee
shop closes, and she has to find a new job. She answers an ad for a companion
for a quadriplegic, a job for which she is terribly unqualified. She knows nothing
about medical care and nothing about the world that once belonged to Will.
She’s never left her tiny English village; he traveled in the world of
millionaires, seeking extreme adventure whenever he wasn’t closing multimillion
dollar business deals. Will is trapped by his paralyzed body, depressed, angry,
and suicidal. Louisa finds him rude and cold, but she desperately needs the
money. Eventually, they learn to respect and depend on each other, and
ultimately they fall in love. But is their love enough to convince Will that
life is worth living?
Me: This was our March book club pick, partly because the
movie is coming out soon, and it made for great discussion. I must admit that I
never before considered what it would be like to live as a quadriplegic. I’m
not convinced that Will’s argument was valid: he insisted that his life as a
quadriplegic was worse than many other people’s because he lived for high
adventure. He was really kind of a selfish jerk. Louisa notes that he never
would have even noticed her in his old life—that she would have been part of
the woodwork. The book was full of
topics for discussion. Moyes probably tried to encompass too many subjects and
used too many stereotypes, but she knows how to write a great page-turner.
We’re looking forward to the movie in June!
The Story: The story takes place during World War II in
France and Germany. Marie-Laure has been blind since childhood. Her father, the
locksmith for the Museum of National History in Paris, takes tender care of
her. Because he wanted Marie-Laure to have some independence, he constructed a
miniature replica of their neighborhood so that she could memorize each twist
and turn, eventually learning to navigate the real neighborhood. Their lives
are happy enough until they are forced to flee Nazi-occupied Paris and move in
with her great-uncle, who suffers from agoraphobia brought on my PTSD, to
Saint-Malo in Normandy. Werner grew up in a German orphanage and is discovered
by the Hitler Youth to be a genius at electronics. He is forced to track the Resistance
movement. He is disgusted at his part in the war but is too weak to take a
stand, which disgusts him even more. Eventually his story converges with
Marie-Laure’s, and the results are unforgettable.
Me: Ahhhh. Now this was a beautifully, masterfully written
book. I like a good sentimental plot-driven novel now and then, I’ll admit. But
what I really love are beautifully written books with a poetic bent to them—
books that make me ache with the sadness and the goodness in the world, with
the wonder at how people survive terrible, true ordeals. This is a story of
survival, of just how good people can be in the darkest of situations. This was
a great month of reading, but this was by far the best of the reading list and
will no doubt be a contender for my #1 spot this year.
The Story: Cadence Sinclair, age 18, begins the story:
"Welcome to the beautiful Sinclair family. No one is a criminal. No one is an
addict. No one is a failure. The Sinclairs are athletic, tall, and handsome. We
are old-money Democrats. Our smiles are wide, our chins square, and our tennis
serves aggressive. It doesn’t matter if divorce shreds the muscles of our
hearts so that they will hardly beat without a struggle. It doesn’t matter if
trust-fund money is running out; if credit card bills go unpaid on the kitchen counter.
It doesn’t matter if there’s a cluster of pill bottles on the bedside table. It
doesn’t matter if one of us is desperately, desperately in love. So much in
love that equally desperate measures must be taken. We are Sinclairs. No one is
needy. No one is wrong. We live, at least in the summertime, on a private
island off the coast of Massachusetts. Perhaps that is all you need to know.”
But, of course, there is a lot more to know beneath the surface—more than
Cadence can possibly remember. Every summer of her whole life, Cadence and her
cousins spend the summer on their family complex on Beechwood Island. They call
themselves the Liars: Cadence, Mirren, Johnny, and Gat. They are the privileged
children of a privileged family, rich and coddled and completing unraveling. Something
happened the summer that Cadence was 15, but a traumatic brain injury prevents
her from remembering. The novel moves in and out of her memory, flashing back
from summer 18 to various summers, puzzling especially over summer 15. It’s a
coming-of-age story of young love, family secrets, and carelessness.
Me: I whipped through this young adult novel in an afternoon
or two. I seriously could not stop reading it. Lockhart is a beautiful writer:
poetic and oh-so-lovely with powerful language and vivid images. I had absolutely no idea what was coming and
had to go back and read several chapters to see what clues I might have missed.
I almost didn’t read this book because of the cheesy description: “beautiful,
privileged, damaged. We are the Sinclairs.” But I am so glad I did. The writing
was beautiful and the story riveting. Great for adults and older teens.
The story: Victoria is a lost soul. She’s just aged out of
the foster care system, and, at 18, is ready to live on her own. She is tough,
distrustful, and angry except when it comes to flowers. During one year of her
young life, she lived with Renata, a woman who taught her the language of
flowers: that yarrow, for example, is a cure for a broken heart; that winter
cherry indicates deception; that a wisteria stands for welcome. In a lifetime of
foster care, this year was the only one in which Victoria was truly loved and
accepted, and so, because it’s the only thing Victoria knows how to do, she
sabotages her future as Renata’s daughter and heads back into the foster care
system. Upon her emancipation at 18, she slowly begins to trust herself and
trust people as she discovers that knowing the language of flowers can change
lives. She meets Grant, a young man who
also understands flowers, and together they begin healing and restoring their
Me: This was a fascinating book. I loved the lesson on the
language of flowers and the thought of what carefully chosen flowers can do for
people and relationships. (Bonus: Victoria’s “Dictionary of Flowers” is
included at the end of the book.) I thought this was a fantastic portrayal of
the challenges of foster care, for the child with an attachment disorder, for
the social worker, and for foster parents. Victoria sabotages her happiness
over and over again because she considers herself so unworthy of love, not
because she wants to hurt other people. Her story is handled with tenderness
but without romanticizing her future and the lengthy healing process. And I
loved the charter of Renata, the woman who loved Victoria as a daughter. Highly
recommended—but warning: you’ll want to have flowers in your house all the
time, and you’ll wonder what they are saying about you.

The story: The novel tells of two young people whose lives
become intertwined. the sections switch between Coralie, the mermaid girl, and
Eddie, the finder. Coralie’s father is the owner of The Museum of Extraordinary
Things in Coney Island in the early 1900s. He is a collector of unusual things,
like a dwarf albino alligator, and of unusual people: Siamese twins, a
wolf-man, the Butterfly girl, the bird lady. Coralie is unusual too: she has
webbed fingers, which she keeps hidden always beneath white gloves. On her
tenth birthday, Coralie’s father presents her with her destiny: she is to be
the museum’s “human mermaid.” For a while, she becomes the star of the museum,
but then things change.
Eddie, born Ezekiel, is a young Jewish man who has
renounced— or tried to renounce— his faith and his name. As a child, he and his
father escaped their Ukrainian village during a pogrom and made it to Brooklyn,
where they are employed as tailors in a factory. Eddie, full of anger at their
circumstances, strikes out on his own in a business he things his father would
be ashamed of: he works for a “fortune teller.” His job is to track down lost
people, errant spouses, missing children. He is good at his job, and for years
he mingles with the dregs of society, listening to “loathsome” tales and
encountering all kinds of things that a young boy should never see. But in his
late teens he encounters a photographer who changes the course of his life, and
he quits finding lost people on seedy streets and instead begins finding beauty
through photography.
Me: I loved this novel. There are some graphic parts in
Coralie’s story that are truly horrifying and difficult to read. Her father is
an unscrupulous monster who will do anything for money. But Coralie is a
precious, lovely character with an innocent heart and a great capacity for
love. Eddie is a rough character at times, but his heart ultimately matches
Coralie’s. There are so many kind and compassionate characters in this novel
that her father’s cruelty is ultimately defeated. I think I can say that
without giving away too much of the book. This was a fascinating story. There
were parts that were extremely disturbing, but the triumph of good over evil is
clear and satisfying.
Learning to Swim by Sara J. Henry.
The story: On a ferry ride, a young woman named Troy sees a child in the water, presumably fallen from a passing ferry. Without thinking, she dives into the water and rescues the child. The little boy seems to be an orphan at first, but gradually the story comes out that he was kidnapped. Troy finds his rich father eventually, and she takes the little boy back to him. The mystery, then, becomes finding the kidnappers. Somehow, Troy takes this into her own hands to do. Ultimately, she does discover the mystery and nearly dies doing so. Yawn.
Me: Meh. I liked the narrator/main character, Troy. I liked the little boy and his Dad. But the whole story just fell kind of flat for me. I kept thinking that something really exciting and surprising was going to happen as I slogged through details of Troy cleaning and repairing her bike, teaching computer skills, and shopping. I was looking forward to that "Ah! I didn't see that coming" moment, as I wondered why this rich father and the police weren't able to locate his son during his 5 months of captivity. Instead, the story became laughable when all is revealed. I think I actually shook my head in astonishment, and I know I rolled my eyes. It was all so contrived and so neatly wrapped up in about 10 pages at the end. What?? I had to go back and skim a few chapters to see if I'd missed a bit of foreshadowing or something. Nope. Apparently this is the first in a series featuring Troy, and I will not be reading the series.