Thursday, July 28, 2011

Book Review: The Little Giant of Aberdeen County

The Little Giant of Aberdeen County was an impulse check-out at the library, and somehow I always score well when I have the rare opportunity to peruse the to-be-shelved (i.e., just returned) books. I don't know why this book never made it to my TBR list, but I'm glad I stumbled upon it! Tiffany Baker is a wonderful writer, and this novel is full of surprises.

Truly starts life out in a big way—so big, in fact, that her mother dies in childbirth. Truly grows at a tremendous rate (turns out to be a pituitary gland glitch) and soon outgrows her older sister, the beautiful Serena. They go through childhood as the beauty and the beast, for Truly is as ugly as she is big.

Eventually they are orphaned and split up: Truly goes to live with an impoverished family in the country, and Serena lives a privileged life in town. Woven into the story of Truly and Serena is the doctor, Robert Morgan and his son, also Dr. Robert Morgan, and their great-great grandmother, Tabitha, the witch doctor.

This novel has everything in it: mystery, romance, magic, and a fantastic story line.

Other reviews of The Little Giant of Aberdeen County:
The Book Lady's Blog
Caribous Mom
Planet Books
Maw Books

1 comment:

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

You are wise. I am a librarian, and the best place to tell library browsers to look for a good book is on the to-be-shelved cart.

Thank you for this review!