There's a fun new weekly going on over at The Striped Armchair called "Library Loot." The idea is to post your library haul each week (or each time you visit). I don't necessarily go to the library every week; I'm more of a biweekly library patron. But we did go yesterday, and here is what we checked out:
My America, Corey's Underground Railroad Diary: Freedom's Wings; Message in the Sky; and Flying Free

Meet Addy and Addy Learns a Lesson
Alec's Primer by Mildred Pitts Walter
The Wagon by Tony Johnston
Show Way by Jacqueline Woodson
Under the Quilt of Night by Deborah Hopkinson
We are finishing up our slavery unit next week. We've already read Uncle Tom's Cabin (an abridged version), Freedom Train: The Story of Harriet Tubman, and If You Traveled on the Underground Railroad, so I wanted to finish off with some picture books. Oh, we also went to the library's winter book sale while we were there, and I found Frederick Douglass Fights for Freedom, so we'll read that this week, too.
I didn't get any books for myself because I already have three checked out. I've read two but haven't yet reviewed them here. Both were fantastic: Mary Lawson's The Other Side of the Bridge (stunning) and the much-praised Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society (excellent). I'm currently reading Kate Morton's All Good Gifts, which is rather sappy.
And that's our week at our library! Visit other library finds, or participate yourself, at this week's Library Loot.
Now this is a meme I can manage! But I don't need any more ideas for books to pick up next time I'm in the library. So, um, thanks, I think. :-)
Okay, in clicking on your link to "your library" I discovered that it is my library also--better known as one of my favorite places in the world. I guess that makes us neighbors.
I read a great book about the Underground Railroad in 2007 called Bound For Canaan. It's for adults, but it was so interesting. :) I'm impressed you only have three books out for yourself-I can't help myself from checking out more! lol
I also go to the library every 2 weeks, but I have to go to a library 1/2 hour away, because our local library doesn't have much. Last week I had to just renew them online. We had so much snow all week, I couldn't get up to the library!
Oh sheesh - that's all I'd need to do - list all 48 books I have checked out of the library! LOL!
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