This is one of those really, absolutely perfect Sundays. The day itself is gorgeous. I had a particularly enjoyable day at church, as it was my turn to lead Junior Church (2nd-5th graders), and the kids were just really delightful. "Delightful" isn't a word I use much, but it so appropriately fits the kids today. After church, the tomato soup at Panera was perfect and no child complained about his or her meal. And when we came home, I read until I fell asleep, and then took a blissful, undisturbed nap. While I napped, Dr. H. did the grocery shopping.
I am still reading Mildred Walker's Winter Wheat. I can't imagine why I've never come across Mildred Walker before in all my years of studying literature. Winter Wheat is an absolute treasure, very similar in style and subject to Willa Cather's My Antonia. I'll be sad to finish this one, but I do have Ami McKay's The Birth House to look forward to next. Summer reading is so delicious.
Since last week I posted a review of Astrid and Veronika, and I have a stack of books that I've read to the kids to review. I'm lazy about kids' books. I have at last managed to post my entire TBR List. As of yet I haven't added to it from last week, but I still have more Sunday Salons and Semicolon's Saturday Review of Books to peruse.
I am thinking about hosting a house-warming party here on SmallWorld Reads. I've got the topic in mind; I just have to work out the details. Stay tuned and have a great week of reading.
Thanks for stopping by. Winter Wheat sounds interesting. I didn't enjoy Death Comes for the Archbishop as much as I expected to so I am curious to see how I will feel about My Antonia.
A house warming party sounds nice. Actually any type of party sounds fun as long I don't have to be the one planning it. My oldest daughter will be turning 5 in a few weeks.
Your Sunday sounds perfectly lovely - some happy family time and reading as well! What could be better :)
Thanks for stopping by Bookstack, and for your thoughtful comment.
I loved Winter Wheat! I have been meaning to read more books by the author but I forgot all about it.
I didn't care for The Birth House.
I am 3 chapters into Astrid & Veronika right now. So far so good.
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