Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Book Review: The Garden at the Edge of Beyond

February 6, 2007

This book by Michael Phillips brought back nice memories to me of when I used to read a lot of George MacDonald. I should re-visit George MacDonald as often as I've revisted C.S. Lewis. In this very short book, in fact, the two authors are the 2nd and 3rd people that the young man sees when he awakes in Heaven (or in the Garden before Heaven). (He encounters Jesus first, of course.) As is explained to the narrator, everyone encounters a different "garden" upon death, where they learn of many mysteries. For the narrator, flowers speak his language; for another, it might be a library full of book-treasures. Here, the narrator meets various guides--including Matthew and Mary, the mother of Jesus--who teach him the heart of true spirituality: the giving up of self in the daily choices of life. This was a nice little book. I always feel enlightened and somewhat wise when reading anything involving Lewis and MacDonald.

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