My rating: 2 of 5 stars
This book is basically every parent's nightmare: their 13-year-old daughter is kidnapped from their house in the middle of the night. I mean, why did I keep reading? I certainly would not have if I still had a 13-year-old daughter at home!
So Julie is kidnapped, and her younger sister, Jane, sees the whole thing happen. She's too terrified to scream or even move until three hours later, and her mother holds this against her. (The mother. Ugh, how I despised this mother!) Anyway, Julie disappears without a trace, and then eight years later, she shows up at their front door.
Did I mention how much I despised the mother? Unfortunately, the chapters alternate between her and, well, Julie. Sort of. The mother, Anna, is just cold.
Regardless of the horror of a 13-year-old being kidnapped and a cold-hearted mother, I kept reading. I mean, it is a novel of suspense, after all, and frankly, I needed to find out what happened. I kinda wish I hadn't finished it. It got kind of ridiculous at the end, and it also devolved into stuff I don't want to read about in such detail, even if this horribly does happen to real 13-year-olds. Just ugh.
So, yeah. II could have done without this book. Did I learn anything from it? Was I enlightened in any way? Was I entertained? Was I wowed by the writer's craft? Was I made a more sensitive person? Nah, nah, nah. It was just kind of horrifying.
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