
Saturday, May 17, 2008

Sunday Scribbling #111: Soar

This week's Sunday Scribbling: soar or sore


This word, this verb: to soar. It holds no attraction to me. Nietzche says, “The higher we soar, the smaller we appear to those who cannot fly.” Blake says, "No bird soars too high, if he soars with his own wings." All these eagles flying, all this soaring above the clouds. All these wings spread in flight.

I have never been one to soar. I never see animals in clouds or wonder what it would be like to walk on the moon. I don't marvel at flight; I don't watch the planes take off and land. Birds, though lovely, do not mesmerize me with their flight. It is the way it should be.

Give me not wings, but great scoops of earth. I wish not to soar but to lie in warm earth, or to rub red clay against my skin. I was the child searching for wild strawberries while the others spun in circles and jumped from the roof. Would I like to jump out of an airplane? No. I will be on the ground, warming my legs in the sun and watching for you.

I am small enough already.


  1. Now this is a really interesting take on this prompt, and offers great food for thought. Perhaps we would all be better off if we were more content with two feet on the ground.

    Great post!

  2. The reverse of what most Sunday Scribblers have posted. While I am very much of the wanting-to-soar frame of mind, I was very interested in your viewpoint and can see its appeal.

  3. Awesome take on the prompt! Like Granny says, it's the reverse of how most people feel. As someone who loves to soar -- in various ways -- I'd love to hear more about you and your love of the earth. I'd really like to know what it feels like to be so rooted.

  4. Exactly! all three comments say what I feel:
    Intersting take, reverse of the rest of us.
    and lovley.

  5. Really nice take on the prompt - I can relate to what you say about wanting to lie on the earth, though I do love watching birds fly by while I'm down there...

  6. Loved your take on the prompt. Wonderful thoughts and insights.

  7. Whereas I enjoy watching others soar, I'm with you - I prefer my feet securely on the ground.

  8. So very true and a wonderful take on a well-worn idea. Nice writing and much for me to think about. Thanks for sharing!


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